Buildings & Grounds
Buildings & Grounds Agendas and Minutes
Regular Buildings & Grounds meetings occur at 5:00 PM the third Wednesday every other month
Chair: Jason Neves
Vice Chair: Anthony Smeraglino
Committee Member: Jim Feehan
Date |
Agenda/Minutes |
01/15/25 | |
11/06/24 | |
08/13/24 | |
03/20/24 | |
01/17/24 | |
8/16/23 | |
4/19/23 | |
2/15/23 | |
10/19/22 | |
8/31/22 | |
6/15/22 | |
3/16/22 | |
2/16/22 | |
12/15/21 | |
10/20/21 | |
9/15/21 | |
8/18/21 | |
6/22/21 | |
5/19/21 |
4/21/21 | |
3/17/21 | |
2/17/21 |